Mala ist ein 14 Jahre altes Mädchen, dessen Mutter eine Prostituierte
war ,vor ihrer Ehe. Sie lebten als eine glückliche indischen Familie,
bis Mala`s Vater entdeckt$e, dass seine Frau in der Vergangenheit eine
Sexarbeiterin war und wurde misstrauisch über die Natur von Mala`s
Abstammung. Dann begann die Hölle für die Frau,der Vater misshandelte
eine Frau psychisch als auch mental. Die Situation war so kritisch, dass
Mala und ihre Mutter von zu Hause weg lief und bat um Schutz im
Snehalaya Rehab Centre. Snehalaya gab Obdach und auch Bildung für Mala.
Derzeit studiert Mala im 9. Standard und träumt davon bei der Polizei zu
Mala is a 14 year old girl whose mother was a sex worker before her marriage. They lived as a happy Indian family until Mala's father discovered that his wife was a sex worker in the past and became suspicious about the nature of Mala’s parentage. Then on life was hell for them; he started abusing his wife psychically as well as mentally. The situation got so critical that Mala and her mother fled away from home and asked for protection at Snehalaya's Rehab Centre. Snehalaya provided shelter and also education for Mala. Currently, Mala is studying in 9th standard and dreams of joining the Police Force.
Mala is a 14 year old girl whose mother was a sex worker before her marriage. They lived as a happy Indian family until Mala's father discovered that his wife was a sex worker in the past and became suspicious about the nature of Mala’s parentage. Then on life was hell for them; he started abusing his wife psychically as well as mentally. The situation got so critical that Mala and her mother fled away from home and asked for protection at Snehalaya's Rehab Centre. Snehalaya provided shelter and also education for Mala. Currently, Mala is studying in 9th standard and dreams of joining the Police Force.
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