Guten Abend.Wir waren schockiert, als wir eine Nachricht von einer Vergewaltigung bei
Rajegaon, heute am frühen Morgen auf der Titelseite der Tages
Loksatta Zeitung sahen.Eine Bande von vier Personen hat in der Nacht am 29 März 2015 in Rajgaon Dorf bei Newase tehasil
Ahmednagar eine Frau vergewaltigt. Es
ist 33 km von hier entfernt. Eine Beschwerde wegen
Vergewaltigung gegen Den Dorfvorsteher Sarpanch von Rajegoan Laxman Ghule
und 3 weiteren wurden von Vergewaltigungsopfer bei der Polizei eingereicht. Sie ist 44 Jahre alt und Mutter von zwei Söhnen und zwei Töchtern. Alle vermuteten Vergewaltiger, gehören in eine politische Partei. Kein MLA oder MP habe sie besucht und bewiesen die Behauptung.Der
Streit begann 4 Tage, als der Ehemann des Opfers, fragte nach
Details des gesammelten Betrages von der Harinam Woche
(eine Woche Bhajan und Kirtan) zu Laxman Ghule und andere. Ghule
wurde geladen, da das Opfer und ihr Mann eine Beschwerde bei der
Polizei über die Ehe seiner kleineren Tochter gegeben hat. Am Sonntagmorgen, haben 30 Personen ihre Haus angegriffen und die ganze Familie geschlagen. Der
Ehemann des Opfers wurde aufgrund von multiplen Frakturen an Beinen
usw. Die Familie gab eine Klage im Krankenhaus ab, aber die Polizei hat nicht
sofort gehandelt. Daher kamen alle vier Verbrecher um Mitternacht am
Sonntag in ihr Haus und haben den 21 Jährigen Sohn des Opfers geschlagen, eingesperrt und
dann vergewaltigt bis zum Morgen, behauptete das Opfer.Heute traf das Snehadhar Team Snehalaya das Männliche Opfer, seine Frau und andere Mitglieder der Familie. Die medizinisch-soziale Arbeiterinnen der NGO unterstützen die Opfer. Das
Snehadhar Team traf auch Herr Lakhmi Gautam und forderte die sofortige
Verhaftung von allen, die in den Vorfällen am Sonntagabend und am Morgen
beteiligt waren. Auch haben wir gefordert, MCOCA wirken auf alle Vergewaltiger und die Menschen die in Aufruhr beteiligt waren anzuwenden. Nur einer von vier mutmaßlichen Straftätern der Vergewaltigung wurde verhaftet. Während 11 von 20 Tatverdächtige festgenommen.Da
diese Opfer Familie ist sehr arm, haben wir beschlossen, Unterstützung
der Behandlung des Ehemann von Opfer, dessen rechtes Bein ist an vielen
Stellen gebrochen. Die Familie hat Angst in ihr Dorf zu gehen. Die Vergewaltigung wurde als Teil der Rache getan und diese wachsende Mentalität ist eine große Herausforderung.Dank mit Grüßen,Team Snehalaya
Dear Member of Snehalaya family.
Dear Member of Snehalaya family.
Good Evening.
We were shocked when we saw a news of gang rape at Rajegaon early morning today appeared on front page of daily Loksatta news paper.
A women was gang raped by four persons at midnight 29th March 2015 at Rajgaon village in Newase tehasil of Ahmednagar dist. It is 33 k.m away from here, Police filed a complaint of gang rape against village head Sarpanch of Rajegoan Laxman Ghule & 3 others on complaint by rape victim. She is 44 years old lady and mother of 2 sons and 2 daughters. All the suspected rapists are belong to one political Party. No MLA or MP have visited them and proved the allegation.
The dispute was started 4 days ago when the husband of the victim asked the details of the amount collected and spend on the Harinam week (a week of Bhajan and Kirtan) to Laxman Ghule and others. Ghule was charging that the victim and her husband have given complaint to Police about the marriage of his daughter at minor age. On Sunday morning, the 30 people attacked their home and beaten badly to the whole family. The husband of the victim was hospitalized due to the multiple fractures on legs etc. The family gave the complaint, but the police have not acted promptly. Hence, all the 4 criminals came to their home at midnight on sunday, beaten and locked the son of 21 years of the victim and then gang raped her till morning, the victim alleged.
Today, Snehadhar team of Snehalaya met the victim husband -wife and other members of family. The medico-social workers of the ngo are supporting the victim. The Snehadhar team also met Mr. Lakhmi Gautam and demanded the immediate arrest of all who involved in the incidents of Sunday night & morning. Also we have demanded to apply MCOCA act on all the rapists and the people involved in riot. Only one out of 4 suspected criminals in gang rape was arrested. While 11 out of 20 suspected criminals arrested.
Since this victim family is very poor, we have decided to support the treatment of the husband of victim whose right leg is fractured at many places. The family is facing terror to go back to their village. The gang rape has been done as a part of revenge and this growing mentality is a big challenge.
Thanks with regards,
Team Snehalaya
We were shocked when we saw a news of gang rape at Rajegaon early morning today appeared on front page of daily Loksatta news paper.
A women was gang raped by four persons at midnight 29th March 2015 at Rajgaon village in Newase tehasil of Ahmednagar dist. It is 33 k.m away from here, Police filed a complaint of gang rape against village head Sarpanch of Rajegoan Laxman Ghule & 3 others on complaint by rape victim. She is 44 years old lady and mother of 2 sons and 2 daughters. All the suspected rapists are belong to one political Party. No MLA or MP have visited them and proved the allegation.
The dispute was started 4 days ago when the husband of the victim asked the details of the amount collected and spend on the Harinam week (a week of Bhajan and Kirtan) to Laxman Ghule and others. Ghule was charging that the victim and her husband have given complaint to Police about the marriage of his daughter at minor age. On Sunday morning, the 30 people attacked their home and beaten badly to the whole family. The husband of the victim was hospitalized due to the multiple fractures on legs etc. The family gave the complaint, but the police have not acted promptly. Hence, all the 4 criminals came to their home at midnight on sunday, beaten and locked the son of 21 years of the victim and then gang raped her till morning, the victim alleged.
Today, Snehadhar team of Snehalaya met the victim husband -wife and other members of family. The medico-social workers of the ngo are supporting the victim. The Snehadhar team also met Mr. Lakhmi Gautam and demanded the immediate arrest of all who involved in the incidents of Sunday night & morning. Also we have demanded to apply MCOCA act on all the rapists and the people involved in riot. Only one out of 4 suspected criminals in gang rape was arrested. While 11 out of 20 suspected criminals arrested.
Since this victim family is very poor, we have decided to support the treatment of the husband of victim whose right leg is fractured at many places. The family is facing terror to go back to their village. The gang rape has been done as a part of revenge and this growing mentality is a big challenge.
Thanks with regards,
Team Snehalaya
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